Alerta do Google - Alaska Weather

Alaska Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 9 de janeiro de 2018
Many of them are basically small weather stations at airports, where volunteers periodically write down readings and send their logs to NCEI. With all that info coming in from sources so far out of their control, NCEI record keepers have developed an algorithm that automatically throws out data points it ...
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The game will consist of five rounds of 10 questions. The team that answers the most questions wins. There are no official prizes, only bragging rights. The Library Book Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25. The book they are reading is "Alaska" (very fitting, considering the weather) by James Michenser.
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Now, the storm coming in from the Gulf of Alaska could dump up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) of rain on Northern California areas still recovering from fires before clearing up by Tuesday evening, National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Anderson said. "Everything is soaking into the ground at this ...
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Alaska is warming so quickly that weather algorithms can't keep up
The National Centers for Environmental Information get a lot of, well, environmental information.
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