Alerta do Google - Alaska Weather

Alaska Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 9 de janeiro de 2018
Dangerous travel conditions could cause more accidents, warmer temperatures could spread new diseases and the topsy-turvy weather could worsen mental health. ... The report, from the Alaska Division of Public Health, tries to predict the health impacts if current climate change forecasts hold true.
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As with most major winter weather events in the U.S., this bitter blast has sparked some skepticism about global warming and climate change. ... east and follows the boundaries between hot and cold air, to "bulge" to the north and cause unusually warm temperatures in Alaska and California, Francis told ...
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Killdeer can be found across the Americas, including Canadian provinces like Ontario, southern parts of Alaska, the southern half of the United States and parts of Peru. But recent blizzards and strong winds in the US have forced a move across the Atlantic in a search for milder weather. Audubon ...
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The storm coming in from the Gulf of Alaska could dump up to 4 inches of rain on Northern California areas still recovering from fires before clearing up by Tuesday evening, National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Anderson said. "Everything is soaking into the ground at this time, but if it gets very ...
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