Alerta do Google - Alaska Weather

Alaska Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 10 de janeiro de 2018
The report, "Assessment of the Potential Health Impacts of Climate Change in Alaska" highlights physical and mental health challenges that Alaskans are currently experiencing and could experience in the future due to warming temperatures and major weather events related to climate change.
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According to National Weather Service Climate Sciences and Services Manager, Rick Thoman, 2017 was the seventh warmest year since nineteen ... that doesn't mean it can't be cool, it certainly will be, but we've got our thumbs on the scale towards warm, especially at high latitudes places like Alaska.
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Thirty-two states, including Alaska, had annual temperatures that ranked in their top-10 warmest. "Not everywhere was warm, but ... As many as 16 weather and climate disasters were identified by the NOAA with each amounting to a $1 billion loss to the government each. These included two inland ...
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