Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 10 de janeiro de 2018
A state commission charged with setting the salaries of legislators will not recommend a 10 percent pay cut for lawmakers. ... the commission has made its proposals less to provide for equitable rates, than to make concrete its frustrations over perennial stalemate in the Alaska Legislature," Botelho wrote.
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The Alaska Marijuana Control Board is collecting applications from Alaskans interested in filling a seat vacated by the resignation of Peter Mlynarik. ... police chief of the city of Soldotna, filled the "public safety" seat on the five-member board that regulates the commercial marijuana industry in the state.
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According to state statute, anyone seeking to fill a vacant seat in the Legislature must be 21, must have lived in the district for at least one year and must be a member of the political party held by ... According to the rules of the Alaska Democratic Party, district officials will pick three finalists for the position.
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A family of four is more than $8,000 poorer as a result of the state's actions. I suggest that the PFD reduction had more impact on Alaska families than all of the rest of Brooks' top stories put together. Readers opposing these PFD reductions may wish to investigate joining the Permanent Fund Defenders: ...
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Willoughby grew up in Anchorage and left the state for college but decided to complete an electrical apprenticeship instead, she said in a biography submitted as part of her application. She ultimately returned to college and graduated from law school. Returning to Alaska, she worked as a law clerk in ...
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