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BPD Unable To Trace Cellphone Calls to 911 According to the Alaska Department of Public Safety's John Rockwell, 911 systems in a lot of Alaskan communities don't have cellphone location services, including towns on the road system. "And that would be a large, large percentage of the state that we're talking about," he said. The irony, said ...
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Local businesses look to hire people who lost their jobs by Sam's Club closure ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) As hundreds of Alaskans prepare to get pink slips with the latest announcement of major wholesaler, Sam's Club ... catch their own seafood, Weiser said less than one percent of the company's business came from all three of the Sam's Club warehouses in the state.
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Simon Ppty Group INC New (SPG) Stock Declined While State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue ... Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.22, from 0.76 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 57 investors sold SPG shares while 202 reduced holdings. 61 funds opened positions while 194 raised stakes. 297.03 million shares or 0.55% less from 298.66 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported.
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Dog Walker Has Wolf Encounter at Local Recreation Area An Alaska man says his dog, Bingo, came nose-to-nose with a wolf while they were walking at Savikko Park, also referred to as Sandy Beach. Jan. 13, 2018, at 12:09 p.m.. Dog Walker Has Wolf Encounter at Local Recreation Area ...
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Jeff Sessions: Check yourself For the past 80 years, the feds have tried their hand at regulating marijuana, and failed miserably in every regard. The attorney general ought to have taken the hint. But no. Last week, Jeff Sessions the previous administration's wise policy of essentially leaving marijuana enforcement to the states.
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State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue Raised Disney Walt Co (DIS) Holding; Visa (V) Has 1 ... State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue increased Disney Walt Co (DIS) stake by 23.22% reported in 2017Q3 SEC filing. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue acquired 13,860 shares as Disney Walt Co (DIS)'s stock declined 2.31%. The State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue holds 73,553 shares ...
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Litigation is pointless — propose a bill to change federal marijuana law Cannabis is regulated under federal law by the Controlled Substances Act. Under that law and the accompanying schedules, cannabis is classified with heroin, cocaine and other hard drugs. The problem was created when voters in a number of states, including Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado ...
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News in Brief Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine's office says other states that are suing are Alaska, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina and Washington state. Lawsuits by Native American tribes and dozens of local governments are ...
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For table of 18, senior aide ranks governors groups Just the afternoon before, Daugaard spent a chunk of his State of the State speech talking about that topic. NGA covers 50 states and five groups of U.S.-governed islands. WGA represents 19 states, basically all of America's west, stretching over land and sea to Alaska to Hawaii. MGA lists 12 states, ...
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Activision Blizzard (ATVI) Shareholder State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue Raised Position ... State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue increased its stake in Activision Blizzard Inc (ATVI) by 364.02% based on its latest 2017Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue bought 10,695 shares as the company's stock rose 23.27% with the market. The institutional investor ...
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WEB | ||||||
dredge 6 nome alaska The Swanberg Dredge is one of several gold mining dredges that dot the landscape near Nome, Alaska. Offering the cleanest lodging in Nome with the greatest hospitality from a true Nome mining family. Nome Alaska Gold Dredge Support Paul xxoo. Alaska State Archives: ... (6) alaska film archives, ...
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