Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de novembro de 2017
He has been practicing law in Alaska for over 30 years. ... Alaska, the Alaska Department of Labor and the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights ...
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Reforms to Alaska's Medicaid program are producing savings but state budget officials still expect costs to rise up to $75 million next year. Provisions ...
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JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The special legislative session has ended quietly in Alaska, more than a week after the state Senate called it quits.
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Most state officials are encouraged about the incremental increase in Alaska's North Slope oil production because of the impact it could on state ...
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According to the Alaska State Troopers' probable cause statement: "As law enforcement officers approached them, Herron dropped a condom that ...
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The light show could be seen in various parts of the state giving nearly everyone a light show that only Mother Nature could provide. Northern lights ...
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Wildlife Biologist I-Alaska
As Alaska's capital city, Juneau has 31,000 residents many of whom work for state, federal and local government, mining companies, and a variety of ...
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ADOT&PF Reminds Drivers to be Avalanche Aware
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) November is Avalanche Education Awareness ... Alaska's drivers to be aware of avalanche zones as they travel the state's ...
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