Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 11 de outubro de 2017
As Alaska residents celebrated their state's roots on its first Indigenous Peoples Day, community leaders made sure all those gathered know that the ...
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"But rather, I want them to understand the state's past so they can cultivate that in to a brighter future for Alaska and for themselves. I want to encourage ...
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Rindner, however, decided that the measure does not appropriate state waters ... Alaska group Stand For Salmon, which appealed Mallott's decision, ...
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"I assume the mandate that Catalonia should become an independent state in the form of a republic … I propose suspending the effects of the ...
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Flu, pneumonia deaths in Alaska top murder, assault in 2016
State statistics show the flu and pneumonia killed more Alaska residents in 2016 than assault or homicide.
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