Alerta do Google - Alaska Weather

Alaska Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 4 de agosto de 2017
Alaskans mock hot-weather advisory issued by city
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — While the Pacific Northwest swelters in triple-digit heat this week, Alaskans got their own unusual weather advisory ...
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Both sides seek to drop Alaska abortion lawsuit
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Abortion-rights advocates and the state of Alaska are seeking to ... Alaskans mock hot-weather advisory issued by city.
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Across Alaska Patch
Across Alaska, AK breaking news, local news, events, weather, sports, schools, shopping, restaurants from Patch.
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No cops, no problem: Alaska town loses police, but not order
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A small, isolated town at the edge of Alaska's Aleutian Islands had no police oversight for several days after its three ...
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Mostly dry before unsettled weather appears heading into next week
Models agree on eventually returning drier air over our area when this happens, though perhaps briefly, as pieces of the new Gulf of Alaska storm may ...
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Alaskans mock hot-weather advisory issued by city
Topix › Alaska › Alaskans mock hot-weather advisory is. ... Management told residents to prepare for temperatures that weather forecasters predict will ...
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