Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 4 de agosto de 2017
... Ryan Zinke, against Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski's state of Alaska last week over her opposition to her party's efforts to repeal Obamacare.
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JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – The Alaska state capital's electric utility is set to change hands late next year, but some in the city are looking for a way to keep ...
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Those looking to file their paperwork with the CBJ are required to be qualified voters in the city, meaning they are qualified to vote in state elections, ...
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4, 2007 — JUNEAU — Alaska's oil tax system is not only failing the state, but it's tainted with corruption, Gov. Sarah Palin declared Friday. So she will ...
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jobs in Akiak, AK
Candidates must be graduates or students of an accredited college or university in the United States or in a United States territory ...
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University of Alaska Anchorage Seawolves vs. Minnesota State University, Mankato Mavericks ...
Minnesota State University, Mankato Mavericks Mens Hockey tickets at the George M Sullivan Sports Arena in Anchorage, AK for Jan 05, 2018 07:07 ...
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Interior Department watchdog to investigate threat to Alaska senator on healthcare
... Ryan Zinke, against Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski's state of Alaska last week over her opposition to her party's efforts to repeal Obamacare.
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