Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2017
Immigrant and union groups will march in cities across the United States on Monday to mark May Day and protest against President Donald Trump's ...
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... following a high-speed chase Sunday on the Seward Highway, during which Alaska State Troopers say his pickup truck slammed into other vehicles ...
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Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Notice of Public Hearing. STATE OF ALASKA. ALASKA OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION. Re: Docket Number: OTH-17-010. Workshop ...
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Notice of Intent to Begin Engineering and Environmental Studies Seward Highway Milepost 114 to ...
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) has assumed the responsibilities of the Federal Highway Administration ...
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Morning Headlamp – Secretary of State Visits Alaska and AGDC sets sights on 2019 for construction.
Our cup runneth over – New Projects Could Add Over 100K Barrels by 2021. Since mid-2015, oil explorers have announced three large discoveries ...
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Which Will Cave Over State Income Tax, House or Senate?
Mike Miller, vice-chairman of the NFIB/Alaska Leadership Council testified against House Bill 115, the proposed state income tax bill. He explained to ...
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