Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de dezembro de 2016
This was a year of firsts and the start of a new era in Alaska politics. Low oil prices lead to discussions that will shape the path of our state moving ...
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EPR Properties logo State of Alaska Department of Revenue maintained its position in EPR Properties (NYSE:EPR) during the third quarter, according ...
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Investors Bancorp logo State of Alaska Department of Revenue boosted its position in Investors Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:ISBC) by 331.6% during the ...
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State of Alaska Department of Revenue raised its position in shares of Retail Properties of America Inc. (NYSE:RPAI) by 1.0% during the third quarter, ...
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State of Alaska Department of Revenue lowered its position in Extra Space Storage Inc. (NYSE:EXR) by 36.4% during the third quarter, according to its ...
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Post Properties logo State of Alaska Department of Revenue raised its position in Post Properties Inc. (NYSE:PPS) by 34.5% during the third quarter, ...
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CubeSmart (CUBE) Shares Bought by State of Alaska Department of Revenue
State of Alaska Department of Revenue boosted its position in CubeSmart (NYSE:CUBE) by 31.5% during the third quarter, according to its most ...
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Becton Dickinson and Co. (BDX) Shares Bought by State of Alaska Department of Revenue
State of Alaska Department of Revenue boosted its stake in Becton Dickinson and Co. (NYSE:BDX) by 6.1% during the third quarter, Holdings ...
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Extra Space Storage Inc. (EXR) Shares Sold by State of Alaska Department of Revenue
State of Alaska Department of Revenue lowered its position in Extra Space Storage Inc. (NYSE:EXR) by 36.4% during the third quarter, according to its ...
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