Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 28 de dezembro de 2016
New Alaska House Majority announces plan to streamline budget process ... Each year lawmakers grapple with how to structure the state's annual ...
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The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will take another budget cutback responding to the state's multi-billion dollar deficit that has yet to be ...
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The storm will hit mainland Alaska tonight. As of 10:30 a.m., on Wednesday, approximately two-thirds of the state is under warning, watch or advisory, ...
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Two dead in a Christmas Day Soldotna trailer fire
Megan Peters, Information Officer for Alaska State Troopers, says there is no positive identification yet. According to Peters, AST handles next of kin ...
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YKCC Security Controls & IP Video Upgrade
YKCC Security Controls & IP Video Upgrade. Owner Solic Number: 170002415. Status: bidding. Report: 7466415. Country : United States State: AK
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