Alerta do Google - Alaska Police

Alaska Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de setembro de 2016
Representatives of Hageland, which is operated by Ravn, Alaska, did not .... Police in the eastern Oklahoma city say they were pursuing Smith's ...
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ANCHORAGE, AK - Just after midnight, an officer in the area of North Star ... Police charged 21-year-old Elijah Ortega with unlawful discharge of a ...
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Pedestrian struck while jaywalking across the Alaska Highway ... The incident is still under investigation, and police say that no charges have been ...
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Police seek public's help in identifying pedestrian injured in hit-and-run near 16th Avenue and A ...
Driver held in hit-and-run Midtown collision as police try to ID injured pedestrian. "The pedestrian was ... Anchorage Municipality, AK. Area: Anchorage ...
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