Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de julho de 2016
The Stars boast a state record 39-game win streak and are tied for the ... that could ultimately determine which team claims the top spot in Alaska.
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The Parks Highway was down to one lane in the Houston area after a semi rollover Friday morning, according to Alaska State Troopers and Mat-Su ...
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Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman
Justin was so poised and entertaining that, at one point, he had the whole room standing and singing the Alaska state song. Oh, and the entire ...
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"Focus" an art installation by Kevin G Smith in the Dena'ina Elemantary school in Wasilla Alaska. Part of the State of Alaska's % for Art Program, ...
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Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman
"I'm still proud of my boys," Ottinger said Thursday evening after the loss in the winner's bracket, on the third day of the Alaska American Legion State ...
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According to prosecutors, 41-year-old Jason Christian Vukovich attacked at least three men listed on the Alaska Sex Offender Registry between June ...
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