Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de julho de 2016
NOTÍCIAS - Anchorage, Alaska
These leases expired in 2010, and the State of Alaska had to reissue them in 2011, which is the same year, Lee says, that AngloGold Ashanti ...
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Alaska Dispatch News
The fifth special session of the 29th Alaska Legislature just concluded ... will cost the state billions because oil prices were going to rise to over $50.
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The Hill (blog)
A major part of his campaign had been a promise to visit all 50 states, and he saved Alaska for the end. In Anchorage, he noted the history he had ...
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An Alaska delegate waved his state's petition before the convention chairman — after hours of trying to locate the party secretary, to whom delegates ...
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Former state Sen. Hollis French appointed to Alaska oil and gas commission
French said Wednesday morning that he's being appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, with a formal announcement ...
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Alaska's SHARP Program – Council Meeting
SHARP Advisory Council: Announcement of Interim Business Meeting – 07/26/16. The public is notified that SHARP Advisory Council will meet in ...
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