Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de junho de 2016
Alaska Dispatch News
Alaska lawmakers review compromise permanent fund bill ... bill to tap Permanent Fund earnings to help stem the state's multibillion-dollar deficit. ... Alaska lawmakers are meeting in special session, which ends Tuesday.
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Alaska Dispatch News
New sources of oil in northern Alaska are "vital to the continued safe ... "Our state's oil fields have matured over the years, and it is vital that new arenas ...
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Dr. Michael Johnson Named Education Commissioner
"With 53 school districts across the state, Alaska's education system has ... "The State Board of Education and Early Development has unanimously ...
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Reaction to the appointment of Dr. Michael Johnson as Commissioner of Education and Early ...
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. 1. Reaction to the ... in preparing Alaskan students for the future. We look forward to working ...
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December The Alaska State Troopers
Latest December The Alaska State Troopers Crime News from top sources, including.
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Bond Counsel for Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, and Alaska Energy Authority
RFP NO. 2016-0300-3353 RFP DEADLINE: May 20, 2016. RFPSUBJECT: Bond Counsel for Alaska IndustrialDevelopment and Export Authority, and ...
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