Alerta do Google - Alaska State

Alaska State
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de junho de 2016
Alaska Dispatch News
Oil industry money, added to the highest per capita federal spending of all the states, allowed a materially rich Alaska quite beyond the imaginings of ...
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Alaska Dispatch News
For years the state handed out tax credits as if they were Alaska flag pins. ... Wilson said the amendment was needed because the state may not be ...
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Such talk was rampant at the Alaska Republican State Convention in Fairbanks last month, becoming a rallying cry for the different factions of the ...
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Alaska Dispatch News
SB 128 is the centerpiece of Walker's package to reduce Alaska's $3.2 billion ... unmoved, saying: "This legislation is the cornerstone for Alaska's future. ... one in this year's budget would exhaust the state's primary savings account, ...
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